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Last Week of School – Report Card Pickup

Next week is the last week of our 2019-20 school year and like many things this year, this week will need to look different than previous year ends at Lakeview.

Monday and Tuesday:

  • continue with in-class and remote learning as usual
  • Tuesday – last day of in-class instruction.  Report cards and extra materials handed out to students who have been attending in-class to students at dismissal
  • Tuesday – 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 –  3 groups of grade 7 school leaving ceremonies happening in the gym.  Parents use outside gym doors while students report to Ms.Keirstead’s room.  Any grade 6’s from Ms. Cirilo’s will join Ms. Migliur’s class for the morning.  Grade 7 parents please remember after the ceremony families can take students and must leave school grounds as we have another group following immediatly.

Wednesday and Thursday: Report Handout

  • Wednesday 9-10:30 and Thursday 1:30-3:00 Report card and material handout to students who have been participating in remote learning and who did not attend in-class this week.  Students come to school during these times and will line-up in regular locations with social distancing spacing.  Will enter one at a time, receive materials (report cards, any supplies left) and be able to say good-bye to classroom teacher.
  • Will have staff assistance at main entrance for Intermediates and Annex entrance for division 8, 10, 11 to ensure proper social distancing and numbers.  Please do not congregate on school grounds once reports are picked up.

Reminder: we have lots of outstanding library and text books.  Please return any school items that you have at home.

Take care,

Brad Winterlik