Recent News

Welcome Back – Tuesday September 7th

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to our new school year at Lakeview elementary.  We will be starting the year on Tuesday September 7th at 9:00 and will attend this first day until 10:00.  All students will report to last year’s classrooms.  All new students will report to the gym (This includes students who are returning from other learning options this last year).  Our Kindergarten students first day is on Wednesday – a K specific letter was sent out on Monday with schedule details.

On Wednesday September 8th, the students report to the same rooms as Tuesday morning and will be assigned to an intermediate or primary homeroom teacher this will be their base classroom for the week.  Students will be participating in a variety of activities all modelled around our year theme of Growth Mindset.  The students will be placed into their permanent classrooms as soon as possible.  There is not a timeline for this happening as we need to wait for district approval to put the kids in their new class.

Opening Week Schedule:

Opening Week Schedule:

Tuesday, September 7        9:00-10:00

-Grade1 to 7 report to last years classroom

-New students to the gym

-Kindergarten students do not attend


Wednesday, September 8       8:55-3:00

-Students report to same room as Tuesday morning

-Students will move to new base room for the remainder of the week


-New Kindergarten students meet in gym.  Rotation of gym, library, music room and both K classrooms


Thursday, September 9     8:55-3:00

-Students report to new base room


Friday, September 10      8:55-3:00

-Students report to base room

This week, students will need a pencil box with a pen, pencil, eraser, pencil crayons, a glue stick and scissors.  Students should not bring all of their school supplies until they are assigned to their permanent classrooms.  Attached in this email is the supply lists for reference.  Please ensure that your child has the appropriate footwear so that they can participate fully in all activities.


National Day For Truth and Reconciliation

In June, the Federal Government passed legislation to make September 30th a federal statutory holiday called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The national holiday will be observed this September 30th by federal employees and workers in federally regulated workplaces. The Province will also be marking September 30th as a day “to commemorate the history and ongoing trauma caused by residential schools and to honour those who were lost and the survivors, families and communities who continue to grieve.”  The Burnaby School District will be observing this day by closing all schools and district facilities. Our Orange Shirt day assembly will be moved to September 29th.


Health and Safety

As we continue to receive updates and plans for our return to school the safety and health of the students and staff is always foremost as we make decisions going forward.  Information has already been shared from a district level and more information will be continuing to come out over the next couple of weeks. For your planning I would like to highlight a couple of details:

-frequent handwashing is still going to be a major component of each day

-mask wearing is a requirement for staff and students from grades 4-12.  Masks are also being strongly encouraged for our K – grade 3 group.

– Parent/Visitor/Guest/Volunteer entry – as schools open up we are still responsible for who is entering our building.  Adults entering the building need to sign in and out.  If you need to meet with a staff member please call or email to organize an appointment to limit numbers.  Lunch’s are to not be dropped off, but sent in the morning.


Bell Schedule:

As we will not be doing staggered starts and dismissals this year our bell schedule will revert back to our previous pattern:


8:55        First Bell

9:00        Instruction begins

10:30      Recess

10:45      Recess over

12:08      Lunch

12:18      Lunch time may go out

12:30      Lunchtime to go out

12:55      Lunch is over

1:00        Instruction begins

3:00        Dismissal


If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office.


Looking forward to a great year,


Brad Winterlik

Principal, Lakeview Elementary