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West Coast Recess and Lunch

At Lakeview we believe it is healthy for kids to get outside throughout the day for fresh air and exercise. Living on the West Coast we know that our climate contains a consistent amount of rainfall especially throughout the winter months. It makes sense that we are well prepared to be outside in the rain. Given that students will be outside for recess and lunch even when it’s raining it is important to send your child to school well prepared.

Being prepared for the weather

We know that if kids are well prepared to be outside in the rain they actually enjoy it. As long as they stay dry and warm there is a great deal of fun to be had in all kinds of weather. To be prepared to be outside in the rain it is important for your child to have:

  • A rain coat or water resistant covering
  • Rubber boots so they can enjoy the puddles
  • Rain pants they can quickly slip over their clothes (much like they would snow pants)
  • An umbrella
  • A rain hat or coat with a hood
  • A change of clothes just in case. (pants, socks, underwear, t-shirt)